Norwegian Breakaway
Norwegian Cruise Line

The Norwegian Breakaway was built in 2013 and is among Norwegian's 21 ships in its fleet. The Breakaway is included in the cruise line's Breakaway Class. In the cruise ship stats below you'll find the Breakaway vs all of the other Norwegian ships.

Norwegian Breakaway Size

How big is the Norwegian Breakaway? Below, you’ll find all of the relevant cruise ship stats, specs and dimensions for the Norwegian Breakaway. Included in these statistics are passenger capacity, length, year built, year renovated, cost to build, gross tonnage, engine info, number of rooms, deck counts and more!

Norwegian Breakaway Size Infographic

Norwegian Breakaway

146 k
1,068 ft
year built

Norwegian Breakaway Capacity

Passenger Capacity refers to the total number of people that the Norwegian Breakaway can accommodate. Of course, there are also crew members on board. Below, find the total onboard capacity, including staff and cruise guests.

Norwegian Avg: 3,073

Norwegian Breakaway Passenger Capacity: The passenger capacity for the Norwegian Breakaway is 3,963 guests. The average capacity for the 21 active ships in Norwegian’s fleet is 3,073 passengers. The passenger capacity range for all Norwegian ships has a minimum of 1,936 guests and a maximum of 4,266 passengers.

Crew Members
Norwegian Avg: 1,303

Norwegian Breakaway Crew Members: Staff on the Norwegian Breakaway include 1,657 members. That's a guest to staff ratio of 2.4 to 1. The average Norwegian ship includes 1,303 employees and has a passenger to staff ratio of 2.4 to 1.

Norwegian Breakaway Passenger and Crew Capacity

vs Norwegian Fleet

Norwegian Breakaway Length

How long is the Norwegian Breakaway? From end to end, the Breakaway length equals 1,068 feet (326 meters). Compare that to the average ship length of all 21 active vessels in Norwegian’s fleet, measuring 988 feet (301 meters).

Feet Long
Norwegian Avg: 988

The smallest Norwegian ship (in terms of length) measures 832 feet (254 meters) from end to end. The longest vessel spans 1,094 feet (333 meters). Our chart below shows the length of the Norwegian Breakaway vs all other active Norwegian Cruise Line ships.

Norwegian Breakaway Length

vs Norwegian Fleet

Norwegian Breakaway Built Date

When was the Norwegian Breakaway Built? The Norwegian Breakaway was built in 2013 and joined the cruise line’s Breakaway Class.

Norwegian includes 21 active ships. The oldest in the fleet was built in 1998 while the newest ship was built in 2026. The average Norwegian ship is 14 years old and the median build date for all active ships is 2010

Year Built
Norwegian Avg: 2011

When was the last Norwegian Breakaway Dry Dock? The Breakaway experienced dry dock improvements in 2023.

Renovation Date

Renovations include the following:  The Norwegian Breakaway was last renovated in April 2023 at Damen Shiprepair Brest in France. This refurbishment included refreshed public areas and 2,186 staterooms with new carpeting and décor, technical upgrades to its diesel-electric propulsion, and a hull repaint featuring Peter Max’s artwork. No major new features were added, but venues like the Haven and Syd Norman’s Pour House were spruced up.

Norwegian Breakaway Deck Plans

The Carnival Breeze has a total of 14 passenger decks. The lowest level available to guests is Deck 5. The highest passenger deck is Deck 18.

What does the Carnival Breeze offer in terms of things to do? The ship features 21 restaurants, 16 bars, 6 shows, 39 activities, and 17 other features for your enjoyment.

Click below to access deck plans for the Norwegian Breakaway. The resulting page will provide a floor plan and summary of all things to do offered on that level of the ship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Norwegian Breakaway Info

On which deck is the Norwegian Breakaway Casino located?

You will find the Norwegian Breakaway Casino on Deck 7 of the ship.

On which deck is the Norwegian Breakaway buffet located?

You will find the Norwegian Breakaway buffet on Deck 15 of the ship.

When was the Norwegian Breakaway last refurbished?

The Norwegian Breakaway was last renovated in April 2023 at Damen Shiprepair Brest in France. This refurbishment included refreshed public areas and 2,186 staterooms with new carpeting and décor, technical upgrades to its diesel-electric propulsion, and a hull repaint featuring Peter Max’s artwork. No major new features were added, but venues like the Haven and Syd Norman’s Pour House were spruced up.

What is the Norwegian Breakaway ship class?

The ship belongs to the Norwegian class of ships known as the Breakaway class.

What does the Norwegian Breakaway offer in terms of things to do?

The ship features 21 restaurants, 16 bars, 39 activities, 6 shows and 17 other venues for your enjoyment. You can click on our ship deck plans or details pages for a full list of activities, sorted by feature type.

How many decks are on the Norwegian Breakaway?

The Norwegian Breakaway has a total of 14 passenger decks. The lowest deck is Level 5. The upper most passenger deck is Level 18.

What is the Norwegian Breakaway capacity?

We're often asked how many passengers are on the Norwegian Breakaway. The ship's capacity is 3,963. When comparing the occupancy to the average Norwegian passenger capacity, you'll find that the average ship in the fleet holds 3,120 guests. Feel free to look at our graph above to see where this ship falls in line with all other live Norwegian ships.

How old is the Norwegian Breakaway?

The Norwegian Breakaway was built in 2013. Norwegian includes 21 active ships. The oldest in the fleet was built in 1998 while the newest ship was built in 2026. The average Norwegian ship is 14 years old and the median build date for all active ships is 2010

Is the Norwegian Breakaway a good ship?

Each of Norwegian's ships offers a unique layout with features and activities catered to all. Whether the Norwegian Breakaway is right for you will depend on your individual preferences. Do you prefer a larger or smaller ship with many or fewer guests? Are you hoping for many family activities or entertainment options for an older clientele. Our deck maps layout and activities list provide a helpful guide to what you'll find on board. Feel free to explore the see if this ship is suited towards your preferences.

How long is the Norwegian Breakaway?

From end to end, the Norwegian Breakaway length equals 1,068 feet (326 meters). Compare that to the average ship length of all 21 active vessels in Norwegian fleet, measuring 994 feet (303 meters). Please see our size comparison chart above to see how this ship falls in line with all other active ships in the fleet.